Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 1 -- Intro!

Well, really it's day 3. Anyway, here's the deal...

I'm a 22 year old curvy chick. I have incredibly bad allergies (bordering on asthma) and have since I was a child. I also never really liked to sweat when I was younger so I never really tried to run. The last few years, I've had a desperate desire to run in a marathon. The problem: I haven't actually tried to run full tilt since I was 11 or 12 years old and have no idea how fast or how far I can actually run. The thing is, when I was a teenager I was always ashamed of how slow I was so I never applied myself which made me worse at running and just compounded the problem. I am a little past that right now, so I've decided to start training.

I ran 2 of the last 3 days. I was unable to run yesterday because I managed to torque my ankle the first day. It still hurts a little bit, so I behaved today. There's a walking trail and pond near my house. I don't know how long it is, but they mark off every 1/10 km, so my current plan is to jog 1/10 then walk 1/10 until I can't do it anymore. During my walking bits, I've been jumping on benches. When my ankle is feeling a little happier I think I'll be doing a bit more with those. I'm just going to reassess as I go to see where I am and how I'm doing.

Wish me luck!


The Half-Assed Blog said...

(Donna_Ranger from BNABBT)

Go baby, go! I think I was the slowest 3rd grader in the history of my elementary school.
You can be inspiration for the rest of us who prefer another beast to do the running while we ride them! :)

Dora said...

Yay! I'll try to remember when I get home to follow this blog. I have also just started running after spending the last nearly-30 years as a confirmed non-runner. I recently ran part of a 5k corporate fun run (half ran, half walked, amazed I completed) and currently have a personal trainer who loves to torture me in new and exciting ways.

Dora said...

Oh, it's Katy from BNaBBT, by the way.